Our ROSE project stands for Reaching Out on Sexual Exploitation, supporting young people throughout Norfolk, who have been affected by child sexual exploitation.

STOPCE Awareness Day 18th March. Join us in the Fight against Child Sexual Exploitation.

The Magdalene Group, alongside over 13,000 professionals across the UK, are joining the NWG Network for their National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Raising Day – 18th March 2023.

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity.

CSE Awareness Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding child sexual exploitation: encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse; adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children and support young people to have healthy, safe peer relationships.

A decade after the high-profile cases of Rochdale and Rotherham, sadly little has changed in terms of reducing child sexual exploitation in the UK. NSPCC analysis of police-recorded crime data reveals the number of child sexual exploitation crimes has increased by 10% within the last year, with an average of 48 offences occurring a day in England & Wales during 2021/22.

The Rose Project, our Young People’s Team, are committed to supporting children and young people who have experienced, or who are at risk of, CSE as well as raising awareness and working with professionals to help prevent child sexual exploitation.

The team, founded in 2013, is made up of three highly trained CSE practitioners who work on a one-to-one basis with children and young people across Norfolk who have been screened as medium / high risk of CSE. Adopting a trauma-informed, holistic approach, the team deliver targeted support to young people who have experienced, or are at risk, of sexual exploitation; whilst also working alongside commissioned services and system-wide partners.

To mark this year’s CSE Awareness Day, The Rose Project is running a programme of networking and awareness sessions for professionals and young people’s services across Norfolk. All this week, the team are visiting different Children’s Services teams, and on Monday 20th March are holding an online event to shine a spotlight on how the CSE landscape across our county is changing in 2023.

For more information, check out our website www.themagdalenegroup.org.


#CEADay23      #EndCSEin23

About us

Since 2007, our dedicated team - consisting of CSE & Therapeutic Practitioners, & Outreach Worker - continues to provide a range of specialist services to young people who are affected by child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Norfolk.

"Exploitation - is it happening to me?"



The Rose Project’s CSE booklet – “Exploitation – is it happening to me?” – is available FREE to download, or as a booklet, purchased from us, priced at £1 per copy. Please contact the office – vivienne@magdalenegroup.org or 01603 610256 – to order. 

"Exploitation - is it happening to me?"


What is CSE?

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of sexual abuse that involves the manipulation and/or coercion of young people under the age of 18 into sexual activity (NWG, 2021) 

CSE is often hard to spot as the person causing harm (perpetrator) will often be a friend or boyfriend/girlfriend, especially to start with. They may also be a person in authority or trusted adult.

CSE can happen to any child or young person regardless of culture, ethnicity, religion; whatever the background or gender of the young person they are all vulnerable to grooming and therefore at risk of CSE.

The perpetrator often identifies an unmet need in the child or young person and will work to fulfil this need.  This could be a need for affection or the young person needing someone to talk to or understand themHowever the perpetrator begins to manipulate, persuade or encourage the young person into engaging in sexual activity.  This could be by direct physical contact or online by sending sexual images of themselves or performing sexual acts over a webcam. 

Children and young people may be groomed into wanting to please their abuser and believe they have some control in their actions,  especially if they think they are in a loving relationship but wherever there is manipulation or coercion it is sexual exploitation. Children and young people may be threatened that their images will be published, they may be threatened with violence or that their families will be harmed.   They may be coerced into using illegal substances or alcohol and then threatened that they will be reported to the authorities.  The abuser will seek to take away the young  person’s power and agency and leave them feeling ashamed and that they have no choice but to comply with the abuse.

Often children and young people become isolated and withdrawn from family, friends, school and other support.   They do not know where to turn for help and need ‘safe’ adults who understand the abuse and can help them come to terms with what has happened and support them to recover from what has happened.

 Young people are often blamed for making ‘risky choices’ or not removing themselves from the abusive situation when what they need is understanding and support.  They are victims and are not to blame for the abuse. 

What we Offer

  • Intensive 1:1 support to children and young people who have been harmed by child sexual exploitation 
  • Early intervention and awareness raising services including drop ins and group work around raising awareness about issues that affect and harm young peopleThis can include understanding exploitation, healthy relationships, consent, sexual health and more. 


“This has really helped me to understand what’s good and bad in a relationship and that I am equal to my partner. It has also given me a chance and space to talk openly without feeling judged.”

In 2020 : 97 children and young people received 487 support sessions  

Raising Awareness

The Rose Project is passionate about informing people about recognising Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) to ensure that young people are protected and harm is spotted and reported. Young people should never be blamed for the abuse and harm they suffer. It is never their fault. We want to raise awareness and challenge victim-blaming language and attitudes in society.

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1 January 1970